Registration Date: Feb. 14, 2003Last Updated: Feb. 14, 2012
Business Nature: Trade of Agriculture category
Company Brief
PT. ANTAKOWISENA stood since 1990, is a trading company of agricultural equipment and agricultural support products such as: Seed plants / vegetables, Fertilizers, plant growth regulator, , Fungicide, Herbicide, Insecticide, Rodenticide, Acaricide, bactericide, Polybag, Plastic Bags, Plastic Sheeting, Plastic grafting, Tapping Bowl , Tapping Knives , Talang tapping, formic Acid , Liquid Smoke deorub, grafting knife, Pole Aluminium / Silver pole, Sickles, Chisel, axes, tojok, gancu, sickle Machine, chisel Machine, Knapsack sprayer, Fogging Machine, Mist blowers, power sprayer and irrigation tube as well as equipment and other agricultural equipment.
Corporate Vision:
Being the Best Partner of Agriculture for People To Achieve Sustainable Prosperity.
Company Mission:
Provide Best Solution Agro Input Supply Facility of Agriculture, Fisheries, Livestock, Gardening and Forestry.
Company Values :
Reliable and trustworthy
Nonstop fighting for a sustainable welfare for employees of the company
Durable build mutually beneficial business relationships with our suppliers and customer
Actively encourage the application of advanced technology
Sturdy maintaining corporate values and culture.
Optimistic and always provide the best solutions to customers.
Corporate Culture:
Delivery time is always on time priority
The initiative, attractive, proactive and progressive
Always put the interests of customers
Efficient and Effective
Moral values and business ethics has always been a guide in trying todo business.
Wiise in the face of all customer complaints
Since its founding, PT. Antako Wisena engaged in the distribution of pesticides. In line with the development of industrial oil palm and rubber plantations, the management company is also expanding its product line and began marketing tools and equipment rubber tapping, oil palm harvesting equipment. Currently, PT. Antako Wisena has worked with many companies producing / manufacturing agrochemicals products and tools of agricultural equipment including:
Bina Guna Kimia PT( Pesticide Product)
Etani Enterprise ( Cantas)
Jariz Technologies Sdn. Bhd.. ( Motorized Cutter)
Chemiseed Sdn. Bhd.. ( Malaysia-LCC Seed)
Scolor Artha Prima PT ( Panda Sprayer)
Riawan Tani PT ( Ritan Seed)
Biotara Agrisindo PT ( Pesticide Product)
Golden Hitek Malindo PT( Myco Gold & Metaxorb Product)
Deorub Global Industries Ltd ( Deorub SOP)
Tunggal Raksa Satria PT ( Wheel Barrow)
Green Leaf ( Plastic Container)
Maxima AP Import & Export ( Malaysia-Heavy Duty Basketball)
Goizper, S.Coop ( Forest Fire Extinguisher)
To provide better service to all their customer Excellent, PT. Antako Wisena has provided the official web site and can easily be accessed at the following URL: http: / /
To provide the best solutions on matters relating to agriculture in the broadest sense, our customer service officers are always ready to be contacted any time.
Major Products / Services
Seller :
Galah Aluminium sangat berguna untuk melaksanakan panen pada tanaman kelapa sawit yang sudah tua. Terbuat dari bahan yang berkualitas tinggi, ringan, lentur dan tidak mudah patah dan dapat meningkatkan kinerja kerja pemanen di lapangan.
Aluminium Pole is very usefull for harvesting an old palm oil. Made from high quality of aluminium alloy, extra light, very elastic, strong and can be increasing productivity the harvester.
Pisau egrek terbuat dari carbon steel berkualitas tinggi dan memiliki ketajaman yang tahan lama, sangat berguna untuk melaksanakan panen TBS dan pemotonganpelepah tua pada tanaman kelapa sawit yang sudah tua
Sickle Knife made from high quality carbon steel, very sharp there is no need always sharpening. Very usefull for fruits harvesting and crown pruning at old palm oil plantation.
Dodos terbuat dari Carbon steel berkualitas tinggi sangat berguna untuk melaksanakan panen sawit pada tanaman yang baru menghasilkan buah. Tersedia dalam beberapa ukuran. 4", 5" dan 6"
Chisel knife made from high quality of carbon steel. Very usefull for harvesting activity at young palm oil plantation. Provide in various size that is : 4", 5" and 6".
Mangkok sadap terbuat dari plastik atau aluminium yang berkualitas tinggi. Yang terbuat dari plastik memiliki berbagai pilihan warna. Sangat berguna untuk menampung latex hasil sadapan karet. Tersedia dalam dua ukuran, yaitu 500 ml dan 750 ml
Tapper cup made from high quality plastic or aluminium. There are two size, 500 ml & 750 ml. For plastic type Provide in various interrested color like red, blue, green, white & black. very elastic, long lasting use and very usefull for collecting rubber latex/ resin.
Pisau sadap terbuat dari bahan baja berkualitas tinggi dan tahan lama. Sangat berguna untuk melaksanakan kegiatan menderes pohon karet. Terdapat berbagai model yang dapat dipilih sesuai dengan kebutuhan anda.
Tapper knife made from high quality carbon steel. long lasting sharp, strong and very usefull for tapping rubber trees. provide in various type that can be choosen depend on customer need
Kantong benih berwarna hitam yang sangat berguna untuk mempersiapkan pembibitan tanaman perkebunan, terbuat dari HDPE plastik yang kuat dan elastis dan tidak mudah sobek. Tersedia berbagai ukuran dan ketebalan sesuai dengan kebutuhan anda.
Polybag plastic, black color plastic made from high quality HDPE plastic, very elastis, strong and long lasting use as a seed bag in open field. Provide in various size and thiickness depend on customer needs.
Hasa Seed adalah merek dagang dari benih yg bermutu prima, bervigor tinggi, dengan perakitan varietas unggul yang bersumber dari kekayaan plasma nutfah di dalam negeri.
Hasa Seed dapat menjadi andalan para petani Indonesia di dalam mengembangkan usaha taninya yang berproduksi tinggi, lestari dan berkelanjutan.
HASA SEED is a famous brand seed in Indoneia who guaranted good qualiy of seeds from indonesia germ plasma. Hasa seed could be help farmers to build their agro business to reach high sustainable production to assure their sustainable prosperity
Vehicle Tracking System (VTS) adalah teknologi pelacakan kendaraan dengan menggunakan gabungan teknologi GPS dan GPRS. Anda dapat melacak kendaraan anda dimanapun dan kapanpun saja dengan menggunakan akses internet melalui PC/ Note Book/ PDA dan HP.
VTS is high combine GPS & GPRS techologies for fleet maagement. You can easily trackng your own car every where at any time. you just open your laptop or PDA/ HP, access to internet and you can easily know everythings about your car like current position, direction, speed and you also can hear the conversaion inside car cabin.