PURENCE is dew drinking water � � � pure water that contains virtually* no inorganic minerals ( e.g sodium and chloride) , impurities and contaminants. The benefits of PURENCE is refreshes the body and....
The flavour of Blue Curacao liqueur comes from the peel of bitter oranges that grow in the Caribbean and the West Indies, such as the well known Cura� � ao Island. The dark blue colour of this liqueur, ....
A blend of sweet bananas gives this liqueur its exotic tropical flavour and many delectable sweet and creamy cocktails are made with this liqueur. This distinctive flavour can be found in popular....
Flavoured from the coconut pulp, this liqueur is perfect for creating exotic cocktails. The tropical best seller Pina Colada uses this liqueur as its main ingredient. Other famous cocktails like the....
This original tropical flavour is made from ripe pineapple and adds a stronger character and taste to many popular exotic cocktails such as the Pineapple Margarita and Pineapple Daiquiri.
Flavoured entirely with the coffee bean, this liqueur can be enjoyed on its own, over ice or mixed with hot coffee and cream, like the legendary cocktail Irish Coffee. This liqueur is also used to....
The sweet taste of the honeydew melon gives this liqueur its rich tropical fruit flavour and the golden green makes it one of the top choices in making many kinds of cocktail, from creamy to tropical....