We are produce concrete roof type Nusantara, Elabana, Garuda and FLAT. Our concrete roof uses high press hydraulic machine and good grades materials for concrete roof.
Our produce paving block with high grades uses viration and hidrolik press machine. Send me your iqueries now.
Our paving blocks made with high quality uses high vibration and hidrolik press machine
We will cooperate with you as long as posible for longterm agreement and confidential, If you interesting with us please contact me at : www.ffusanto@ yahoo.com or 0711-811842 mobile : 0711 7376969....
our machine uses highly vibration and hydraulic press for produce paving blocks, bricks, bataco, etc. Our machine can produce in a large quantity to support your orders.
Our machine can produce large amount of paving blocks, bricks, etc with high quality. Because our machine uses highly vibration and hydrolic press.