Salam Sukses Luar Biasa... Kami perusahaan konveksi home industri yang berbasis pemberdayaan remaja dan lingkungan sekitar, mengolah semua jenis seragam, untuk keperluan di sektor sekolah, pesantren....
DLP stands for a name that indicate the unity of us together for the sake of progress. DLP choose engaged in the convection in because of the growth in time. DLP provides designs T-shirts that are....
kami bergelut di perdagangan peralatan gunung.....seperti jaket, tas, sepatu gunung, tenda, kaos.dan perlengkapan gunung lainnya
We are a small home industry, retail and wholesale all Moslem product such as mukena for praying, jilbab/ hijab ( female headgear) , accessories brooch. For futher information please search us at....