We sell branded bags and Sandals like as CharlesnKeit, Mango, Zara, Aldo, Urban n Co, etc
Salam Sukses Luar Biasa... Kami perusahaan konveksi home industri yang berbasis pemberdayaan remaja dan lingkungan sekitar, mengolah semua jenis seragam, untuk keperluan di sektor sekolah, pesantren....
Selling kids fashion, man, woman, bags and other accessoris
Baby' s shop, mature' s shop, and bag import
Saya mencari pengrajin sepatu dan sandal di seluruh Indonesia, , bagi saudara yang ingin memasarkan produk sepatunya , , hubungi saya! khusus sepatu yg harganya dibawah 1 jt perkodi, , makasih
we are home industry, a special wedding dress, that is kebaya payet from Indonesia. and we have been making too a kind of gorden or vitrace. we have made and sold a lot of that of products
We sell Batik Sarimbit, couple, couple with low price and best quality. Open to those of you who want to be resellers and dropship. Best price will be given to you as our reseller.
With this I try to satisfy my customer to find bag and accesorries or dress with a good quality and for Bag ofcourse we have a certificate ....I hope u can find what you need in our shop online ...tq....
DLP stands for a name that indicate the unity of us together for the sake of progress. DLP choose engaged in the convection in because of the growth in time. DLP provides designs T-shirts that are....
kami yang membuat berbagei kebutuhan seragam seperti kaos kameja topi jaket dll
Please come to our shop, we sell everything bags , shoes, dress and blouse, etc.
kami bergelut di perdagangan peralatan gunung.....seperti jaket, tas, sepatu gunung, tenda, kaos.dan perlengkapan gunung lainnya
Guys want to look nice .. like the artists, Boy and Girl Band Korean bands are again TOP. quiet! ! ! easy anyway. you can like their style without reaching the more expensive bags. In DORKY SHOP....
IDONESIA, has a diverse culture, Culture of hereditary derived progenitor Indonesian nation, for it Our present disni to share to all good people who are dseluruh or Indonesia in particular, we....
Sell handbags, shoes and clothes and watches